FAME is a platform for bringing together partners and collaboration on Additive Manufacturing. Read more about our events below.
FAME Ecosystem takes part in 3D & New Materials fair with an extensive additive manufacturing program and a stand full of exquisite showcase materials. Content is also provided by the DREAMS and 3DTY projects.
Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun (HAMK) ja Lappeenrannan – Lahden teknillisen yliopisto LUT:n yhteistyössä toteuttamassa Senior Design Engineer -hankkeessa pilotoitiin uusi tulevaisuuden osaamistarpeisiin pohjautuva, 15 opintopisteen laajuinen koulutuskokonaisuus.
Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun Kohti toimivaa kiertotaloutta ja huoltovarmuutta (KOHU) -hankkeessa käynnistämme lisäävään valmistukseen liittyvää tutkimus- ja innovaatiotoimintaa Kanta-Hämeessä.
We are happy to invite you for the second Manufacturing Industry Synergy Summit on September 16th and 17th, 2024, at Konecranes, Hyvinkää. There is power in cooperation, and the Manufacturing Industry Synergy Summit aims to further explore how manufacturing companies can work together to create mutual benefits.
The cerAM project, started in 2022, set out with an ambitious target to radically improve the 3D printing process of ceramic parts. The target was to find novel solutions to enable fast, reliable, and flexible manufacturing processes for ceramic materials.
As the project is coming to an end this September, we want to invite you to join us in this public results webinar introducing the highlights of the project!
3DTY järjestää kaikille avoimet webinaarit suurten kappaleiden robotisoidusta tulostamisesta.
This event will explore industrial 3D printing with pure copper, covering an overview of market applications and real customer insights, as well as a technological deep dive, including a sneak peek into the local production site.
The event itself is free of charge.
You’re warmly welcome to celebrate AI Powering Product Development – DIMECC’s 17th Annual Seminar in Collaboration with Aalto Design Factory with us. The event will take place on November 12th at Aalto Design Factory in Espoo.
Finnish Additive Manufacturing Ecosystem (FAME) is an innovative industrial ecosystem that brings together key players in the Finnish additive manufacturing field to increase the role of Additive Manufacturing in Finland.
The ecosystem is funded by the participating companies and Business Finland, and is run by DIMECC Oy.
© 2024 DIMECC Oy