Finnish Additive Manufacturing Ecosystem (FAME) is an industrial ecosystem that aims to increase the role of Additive Manufacturing in Finland and unleash business potential in AM capabilities
Finnish Additive Manufacturing Ecosystem (FAME) is an innovative industrial ecosystem that brings together key players in the Finnish additive manufacturing field to increase the role of Additive Manufacturing in Finland.
FAME Ecosystem partners cover the entire value chain of additive manufacturing and has the Finnish top-know-how companies involved.
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Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun (HAMK) ja Lappeenrannan – Lahden teknillisen yliopisto LUT:n yhteistyössä toteuttamassa Senior Design Engineer -hankkeessa pilotoitiin uusi tulevaisuuden osaamistarpeisiin pohjautuva, 15 opintopisteen laajuinen koulutuskokonaisuus.
You’re warmly welcome to celebrate AI Powering Product Development – DIMECC’s 17th Annual Seminar in Collaboration with Aalto Design Factory with us. The event will take place on November 12th at Aalto Design Factory in Espoo.
We are happy to invite you for the second Manufacturing Industry Synergy Summit on September 16th and 17th, 2024, at Konecranes, Hyvinkää. There is power in cooperation, and the Manufacturing Industry Synergy Summit aims to further explore how manufacturing companies can work together to create mutual benefits.
Finnish Additive Manufacturing Ecosystem (FAME) is an innovative industrial ecosystem that brings together key players in the Finnish additive manufacturing field to increase the role of Additive Manufacturing in Finland.
The ecosystem is funded by the participating companies and Business Finland, and is run by DIMECC Oy.
© 2024 DIMECC Oy