FAME_Kasvu_3D printing volumes have grown 20 percent per year and it is going to grow even more. This is why FAME ecosystem (Finnish Additive Manufacturing Ecosystem) exists.
“The ecosystem brings companies together to develop their skills. FAME is a platform for cooperation for learning
3D printing, creating shared infrastructure or launch of RDI projects”, states ecosystem lead Johannes Karjalainen.
Read more about the benefits of ecosystems in the Helsingin Sanomat Growth publication (in Finnish) “Ekosysteemit synnyttävät teknologista edelläkävijyyttä“.
Finnish Additive Manufacturing Ecosystem (FAME) is an innovative industrial ecosystem that brings together key players in the Finnish additive manufacturing field to increase the role of Additive Manufacturing in Finland.
The ecosystem is funded by the participating companies and Business Finland, and is run by DIMECC Oy.
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