Research Organizations Join FAME Ecosystem, Advancing 3D Printing Introduction and Utilization

Kuvassa on 3D-tulostettuja metallikoekappaleita.

The membership base of the FAME Ecosystem, which covers the entire 3D printing value chain, expands when the key research organizations join. Closer interaction benefits both companies and research institutes, because the versatile introduction of additive manufacturing in industry still needs a lot of research and experts trained with fresh information.

The FAME Ecosystem, which already unites around 50 organizations utilizing material additive manufacturing, is expanding to include research organizations as well.

“In the FAME Ecosystem, we have a dynamic group of companies that are pioneers in the introduction of 3D printing. We aim to enhance interaction within the ecosystem to incorporate the extensive know-how and development work of research institutes more efficiently, providing companies with faster access to valuable insights. Given the ongoing research in additive manufacturing, there is still much to explore to ensure the widespread industrial use of this technology,” says Sini Metsä-Kortelainen, Senior Ecosystem Lead of FAME.

The development of education is also of interest to both companies and universities of applied sciences and universities. By condensing the interaction regarding training into working life, we cultivate experts who are continually updated with the latest information.

Aalto, Turku and Oulu Universities first to join

The first research organizations to join FAME Ecosystem are the Aalto University, University of Oulu, University of Turku, Tampere University of Applied Sciences and VTT.

“The production sectors often face the challenge of merging the RDI activities of universities and industry to support the international cutting-edge research and to create domestic commercial breakthroughs. In this context, the FAME ecosystem opens up new possibilities by taking industry representatives to the same table to discuss with researchers about a common domestic strategy to strengthen the research and competitiveness”, says Research Director Antti Järvenpää from the University of Oulu (FMT).

“Within the FAME Ecosystem, VTT aims to discern and address industry-driven additive manufacturing research needs. Our mission is to seamlessly bridge foundational research insights with practical applications for a transformative industrial landscape,” says Research Scientist Hari Nagarajan from VTT.

An even more impressive whole

The FAME ecosystem (Finnish Additive Manufacturing Ecosystem), which brings together the key players of industrial 3D printing, was founded in 2020. The members of the ecosystem, having experienced substantial growth and achieved notable international results, now seek to amplify their impact by enhancing collaboration with research institutes.

“It is crucial to forge even closer and more seamless cooperation between companies and research institutes. Obtaining information about the genuine research needs of companies can be challenging for research institutes, and vice versa – companies may be unaware of the offerings of research institutes. While some individual companies or research institutes have successfully engaged in bilateral cooperation, our aim is to elevate interaction on a multilateral and national scale, expanding the ecosystem’s research collaboration internationally as well,” says Sini Metsä-Kortelainen.